We are here to help you
Our service is based on your satisfaction as a customer.
You can make your request by completing the following steps
STEP 1: Read the after-sales service procedure. It is very important that you do it carefully to ensure a better understanding of the process:
- Once your application is delivered to the sales room, the customer service area will send you in 2 business days at the latest your filing number to your email which will be used for follow-up and future consultations.
- Please note that each arrangement is an item, we recommend not mixing request details.
Remember that Article 8 of Law 1480 of 2011 determines “for real estate the legal guarantee includes the stability of the work for ten (10) years, and for the finishes one (1) year”.
As of the date on which your application was filed, AIA undertakes to contact you at the telephone numbers that you entered in the format, to coordinate an appointment in which the after-sales leader will visit your property, evaluate the requirement reported (if applicable or not within the guarantee parameters described in the Owner's Manual), it will coordinate the work schedule and determine the resources that are required, to meet your after-sales request in the indicated time.
STEP 2: After reading the conditions of the after-sales service of step1, proceed to complete the contact details of the applicant in the attached form, it is very important that you select the type of applicant (lessee, owner,real estate agent, agent, etc.) Once done, verify the property data, the owner and the applicant data so that the After Sales Analyst can communicate with you and thus schedule the diagnostic visit.
STEP 3: Continue with step 3, arrangements or improvements as follows: a) Select: space (ex: apartment, warehouse, garage), location (ex. Master bedroom, kitchen), in Activity detail your request (ex. : change, cut, paint).
In the description field, make a brief explanation for each selected item. b) Repeat the process if the request is for more than one space of the property.
- Once your application is delivered to the sales room, the customer service area will send you in 2 business days at the latest your filing number to your email which will be used for follow-up and future consultations.
- Please note that each arrangement is an item, we recommend not mixing request details.
- Remember that Article 8 of Law 1480 of 2011 determines “for real estate the legal guarantee includes the stability of the work for ten (10) years, and for the finishes one (1) year”.
As of the date on which your application was filed, AIA undertakes to contact you at the telephone numbers that you entered in the format, to coordinate an appointment in which the after-sales leader will visit your property, evaluate the requirement reported (if applicable or not within the guarantee parameters described in the Owner's Manual), will coordinate the work schedule and determine the resources that are required, to meet your after-sales request in The indicated time.
CERTIFICATE OF ATTENTION: As the work or requests are carried out, an AIA representative will request your signature by item, certifying that you were attended.
NOTE: Each activity based on the application must be signed independently to better track your request.
The filing of this document does not imply acceptance of it or commitment to solve the registered after sales, until the application has been studied.
Upon starting and finishing the locative arrangement process, you will be contacted to request your
Feedback through a quality assessment survey of the service received, this will help us improve every day. We appreciate your cooperation in following the indicated procedure and thus allow us to provide you a BETTER SERVICE